Satori VL2800 BIG SLA 3D Printer

Satori VL2800 looks to disrupt BIG SLA 3D Printer market. With an impressive build size, high pixel density and competitive price it does so with a bang.

The Satori VL2800 has recently launched on kickstarter (and already reached it’s goal) with the promise of providing industrial scale resin 3D printing.

With a huge print volume of 278x156mm in X/Y and a whopping 300mm in Z, it matches Formlabs Form 3L very closely.

Equipped with a 6K Mono screen, the pixel resolution of 51 μm (0,051mm) it don’t skip out on resolution either. With a precision steel Z-axis it still achieves stable Z-axis details and resolution down to 0,05mm.


3D Printer size isn’t everything

Although this is a Kickstarter (that is funded and about to finish) I still want to give them some exposure due to the fact that this (on paper) seems to offer great performance at a price only a fourth of competitors.

Is this where the SLA resin market is going as LCD panels gets cheaper, and the actual hardware becomes easier to manufacturer.

I would love to review one of these machines to actually test how well the software and eco-system works, something that the competition does very well and have a good track record on already.

Resin 3D Printer Software

One of the challenges for resin printer manufacturers is the software. Customers expect really good interface, support creation and resin combability.

With companies like Prusa research, who develops open source hardware and software we can hope for more software that other manufacturers can adopt and help develop new features for.

In the prototype shown below we get a glimpse at the actual software, which looks very neat!


Is this the 3D Printer for you?

What are your thoughts on these kinds of industrial grade machines? are you happy with hobbyist level? If you’re a larger company, would you rather buy a Formlabs or 3D systems machine, if so why?

Read more about the kickstarter and machine here.


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