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The new Prusa MK4S is here!

Prusa Research just released the next iteration of their Prusa i3 3D Printer - The MK4S. New cooling system and faster printing. Here’s what’s new.

Prusa are taking on the competition with even more “quality of life” updates and improvements to reliability and print quality. An already excellent foundation now features a completely redesigned cooling solution.

Parts of the community have been very loud and unhappy with the MK4 part cooling and it’s nice to see that Prusa have heard us and completely redesigned the cooling with “360-degree cooling” to make sure you can push the printer even faster while still being able to do overhangs like crazy.

To push printing speeds, prusa have combined the new cooling solution with standard high-flow nozzle (CHT design).

The Original Prusa MK4S has introduced new features aimed at enhancing the 3D printing experience. Here’s a few important ones:

360° Cooling System

The MK4S features a newly revamped 360° cooling system with a high-performance turbine, designed to enhance print quality and speed, especially when dealing with overhangs.

Depending on a model's geometry, you can easily print at angles up to 75 degrees, allowing you to create even highly complex designs without the need for supports, saving both time and material.

High-Flow Nozzle

The new nozzle, utilizing CHT technology, is engineered to boost flow rates by 45 to 114%, depending on the material, enabling faster printing.

With this high-flow nozzle, you can achieve better results using the same filaments you're already familiar with—no need to switch to specialized filaments just to gain higher speed.

Faster 3D Printing

Speed is a key focus with the MK4S. The combination of optimized firmware, refined print profiles, and the new high-flow nozzle enables it to print faster than its predecessors and competes with the fastest printers on the market, thanks to the native integration of Input Shaper and Pressure Advance technologies.

However, speed alone doesn’t ensure quality. If a print fails or lacks durability, any speed advantage is negated. The MK4S prioritizes print quality, even if it takes a bit longer, as the extra time results in better outcomes. For those needing speed, two rapid prototyping profiles are available.

Prusa App – Simple and Functional UI

With the MK4S, Prusa are launching a new optional Android and iOS app, compatible with any Prusa Connect-enabled printer.

The app shows an overview of your printers, control over prints, and push notifications for remote management. You can also directly access Printables.com, allowing you to start printing projects without needing a slicer, a really nice feature I want to talk more about later on!

Setup is easy and Wi-Fi can be configured with a simple NFC tap on the electronics cover of your printer.

Prusa promises (or at least plans) to add features, including camera support, advanced notifications, improved Printables integration, and widgets.

Prusa Research - Keeping the Maker in Mind

True to open-source philosophy, Prusas printers are designed to welcome all kinds of user modifications, tweaks, and creative hacks with the new GPIO “hackerboard”.

This small electronics board connects directly to the mainboard and can be controlled with G-code commands, offering nearly limitless possibilities.

Imagine creating custom LED displays that flash specific colors when a print finishes, setting up a remote camera trigger, or even designing your own print harvester. The only limit is your imagination, and we’re excited to see what innovative projects you’ll bring to life!

The GPIO hackerboard is available for pre-order with the new MK4S and should start shipping the next few weeks.

Prusa MK4S Pricing and availability

The New Prusa MK4S is already shipping and you can get the new Prusa MK4S Kit via official Prusa webshop here for $731, which is a great price for a great experience, getting to know your printer from the inside out.

The fully assembled kit costs $991 which is still very competitive!

The new Prusa MK4S Looks amazing! What would you print with crazy overhangs? And should we, 3D Print Tech Design buy one and review? Let us know in the comments!