Original Prusa XL
Extra Everything
Prusa Research Original Prusa XL looks like everything I ever wanted in a 3D Printer.
Extra Everything
The new Original Prusa XL could easily disrupt the 3D Printing market. Something Prusa Research are no strangers too.
The Prusa XL isn’t just bigger. It’s more of everything.
More capable, more features, more complete and more professional.
Original Prusa XL Features
The only way to really explain this new 3D Printer is to talk about it’s incredible list of features.
Some are configurable during ordering, while other are separate addons for future releases.
Prusa CoreXY Design
To avoid dealing with a large heavy heatbed moving along the Y-axis, less stability with higher Z-axis values and more. Prusa decided to go with a CoreXY design instead of Cartesian design in the MK3.
Huge Build Size
With 360x360x360mm standard print volume, you have room for everything. The CoreXY Design ensures great printing quality in the whole volume as well.
16 Segmented Heated Build Plates
The build plate on Prusa XL is like no other. With 16 individually controlled build plates, you have the option to heat only the area you’re printing on. Saving energy and preventing warping of the large print area.
The Nextruder is a new extruder for Prusa 3D printers, not only the Prusa XL. It’s lighter and packed with features such as an zero-backlash gearbox and a no-slip drive gear.
Load Cell Automatic Calibration
A new Automatic First Layer Calibration method using a load cell enables build plate levelling without ANY user intervention. No adjustments, no tuning. For each print, the XL measures the nozzle and the sheet distance with incredible accuracy, ensuring perfect first layer every single time.
New Electronics
Prusa XL is powered by a newly developed 32-bit motherboard that features an expansion port, allowing future features to be added. Additionally, it appears you can run official Klipper firmware to push the electronics to their limits.

Automatic toolchanger with up to 5 tools
One of the most exciting new features of the Prusa XL is it’s Automatic Toolchanger that can be configured with up to 5 print heads!
Having up to 5 print heads allows for unique printing situations with combing colors, nozzle sizes, material types, soluble supports or just redundancy.
Expect the tool heads to be more than just 3D printing heads in the future, similar to what E3D toolchanger allows for.
Pick and place, milling, inspection are a few things one could imagine to put on this machine.
Keep an eye out for what crazy things the community will develop as well!
Fully decked out Prusa XL with 5 Print heads.
Pricing And Availability
The Prusa XL is now shipping Semi-assembled multi-head versions to pre-orders.
But new orders are expecting to ship January/February 2024. So unless you’re already in the queue, be prepared to wait a little for this beast of a 3D Printer!
Prusa XL Fully equipped
The pre-assembled Prusa XL 3D Printer with 5 print heads costs $3,999.00 + taxes and shipping.
Who should consider the Original Prusa XL?
With the release of the Original Prusa XL and all it’s features, it moves into a new segment.
A somewhat hybrid segment of 3D Printers that are platforms for rapid manufacturing, providing you with multiple extruders, add-ons, configuration of extruders/hotends and tool heads.
These 3D Printer ecosystems are what I think is Prusa Researchs main competitors in a similar price range.
I still think many more expensive 3D Printers could be replaced with a Prusa XL, depending on use case.
Most of these options don’t have the same features that Prusa XL have, or the potential of customization.
3D Printer Ecosystems that could be considered similar
From DIY to Corporate
The Original Prusa XL is based on a great reputation of competitively priced 3D Printers with excellent support, features and print results.
I believe they are really moving into a segment otherwise controlled by Ultimaker, and with a configurable machine that meets a majority of customers needs.
However, Prusa still have a challenge ahead, moving from the DIY identity into corporate needs, where money isnt the biggest issue.
Continuing on great manuals, support and material to understand and utilize the tool changer print heads, with more refined design I think the Prusa XL will find it’s way into more designers, architects and engineers.
Specially into customers who are not looking for a 3D Printer to get hands-on with, rather someone who expects results.
Failing to cater these customers, I believe the Prusa XL might get stuck in between individuals who want the features, but cant motivate the price and larger customers who want the features but don’t have time tinkering.
Officia Prusa XL Updates from Prusa Research
Prusa XL Update 1
Prusa XL Update 2
Prusa XL Update 3
Prusa XL are finally actually shipping!
1 June 2023
4 August 2023
Original Prusa XL is a technological success
No matter how the sales look, Prusa XL is already a success in technological demonstration from Prusa.
They keep innovating and providing great features that will be copied, improved and adopted by others. Something all customers benefit from and should be thankful for.
I for one is looking forward to seeing all the crazy addons Prusa and others will develop for the tool changer.
How would you configure a Prusa XL with 5 tool heads? Do you agree with the article? let me know via social media!